Shalom Life
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Yeshua El Pan De Vida, Inc
Kehilat Yeshua Bread of Life
October—December 2024
Tishrei—Kislev 5785
Volume 1, Issue 1
Shalom Life!
Words of Welcome
Shalom and Welcome to Yeshua Bread of Life!
We are a community that happily embraces the commitment to shine the light of Messiah Yeshua in Central Florida. Our family-orientated atmosphere, actvites and spirit-filled services are an integral part of our community. Our vision is the restoration to a first-century, faith-based synagogue that follows the custom of the House of Israel and incorporates contemporary practices for the purpose of enhancing the overall experience while its emphasis will be the study of the entire TaNaK. We embrace the words of the prophet Zechariah who wrote about these days to come in chapter 8 verse 20-23: “20 “AD-NAI-Tzva’ot says, ‘In the future, peoples and inhabitants of many cities will come; 21 the inhabitants of one city will travel to another and say, “We must go to ask AD-NAI’s favor and consult AD-NAI-Tzva’ot. I’ll go too.” 22 Yes, many peoples and powerful nations will come to consult ADNAI-Tzva’ot in Yerushalayim and to ask AD-NAI’s favor.’ 23 AD-NAI-Tzva’ot says, ‘When that time comes, ten will take hold—speaking all the languages of the nations—will grab hold of the cloak of a Jew and say, “We want to go with you, because we have heard that G-d is with you.”’” CJB We continue to guard Torah principles of our faith and its teachings along with the Jewish people.
We are glad that you have taken the time to take a look at our community and invite you to continue our journey with us. It is impossible to absorb everything we have to offer in one visit, so we encourage you to further your studies and deepen your faith in the YBOL community. Come join us and fulfill this vision that The Master of the Universe has designated for the last days…
Ro’eh Tom
5785 Is Here!
1 Tishrei is the celebration of Rosh HaShanah, which marks both the beginning of the Fall Mo’edim and the start of the new Jewish year. It also represents the day of repentance before Yom Kippur, the day when the people of Israel examined their spiritual condition in order to make the necessary changes that would ensure the new year would be pleasing to HaShem. As we fulfill the mitzvot of these Mo’edim, we give thanks to HaShem as we say ‘blessed be He, King of the Universe, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season!’

Rosh HaShanah
How does a person go from believer, to disciple, to leader? By Faith. (Hebrews 11 – The Faith Chapter)
“Faith is that Quality, not Quantity, of Power whereby the things hoped for become the things possessed.”
If you don’t use “Now Faith, Through Faith, By Faith”, you wind up “Without Faith.” This is done by the Worship of G-d, to the Walk with G-d, to the Work with G-d.
Abel was the first to worship G-d.
“By faith, Abel offered to G-d a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, G-d testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks” [Hebrews 11:4]
How can Abel be dead and still speak to us today? By defining true worship compared to worship in the flesh (Genesis 4:3-5,7). How does a “set-apart” person worship G-d? You cannot answer this question from the Brit HaChadashah, but from the Torah. If G-d had changed His mind, He would have done it in the Brit HaChadashah.
Enoch was the first to walk with G-d (Hebrews 11:5-6). How do you walk with G-d?
“As you therefore have received the Messiah, Yeshua as L-RD, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith just as you were instructed, and overflowing with grati- tude” [Colossians. 2:6-7]
Here is the problem. Once you are given the word of G-d, and you apply that word to your life because of your love for G-d, you can never go back to the way you were. Noah was the first to work with G-d (Hebrews 11:7). You cannot be a leader and work with G-d without first walking with G-d. You cannot walk with G-d without dealing with true worship of G-d. To worship G-d must be done in spirit and truth, not in the flesh. It is G-d who takes you from one dimension to another.
All three sounds are blown on Rosh Hashanah a day when G-d is recognized as Creator to be wor- shipped, a forgiving Father, and coming Judge. Yet, what most people associate Rosh Hashanah with is the resurrection of the dead.
Abraham was the first to experience the Resurrection from the Dead (Hebrews 11:11-12). If a miracle birth did not happen, the Jew would not exist. [Romans 4:16-22]
For some of you when you hear the Tekiah of the Shofar, know that G-d is calling you to the true wor- ship of Abel.
For some of you when you hear the Shevarim of the Shofar, know that G-d is calling you to walk with Him, as Enoch, with repentance.
For some of you when you hear the Teruah of the Shofar, know that G-d is calling you, like Noah, to pre- pare the way of the L-RD.
For ALL of you when you hear the TEKIAH HAGADOLAH of the Shofar, know that G-d is calling you, like Abraham, to experience the resurrection and reign of the Messiah.
“…and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with tremendous power and glory. He will send out his angels with THE GREAT SHOFAR, and they will gather together his chosen people from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” [Matthew 24:30-31]

What's Up?
We had a busy summer here at Yeshua Bread of Life.
We hosted a beautiful Pesach seder, inaugurated our new building, and had a variety of events for our mishpocha.
The Chesed Women’s group had the opportunity to join together for breakfast and a special painting class. All of the women and young ladies thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Our thanks to
the Chesed Women’s group leadership for hosting this event.
The youth enjoyed a special night of bowling and ’hanging out’ in Winter Garden.
The small children also had a blast at the end of summer pool party.
As we begin the next season, we look forward to continued fellowship in Messiah!
Outreach Corner
Shuvu India
Joseph John

Vikas Borde & family

Shalom Covenant Church Leaders
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Hurricanes Are No Match for Hashem

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EMET — Truth
TZADDIK — Righteousness
SHALOM — Peace
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Shalom Life! Newsletter edited by K. Dones
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